Monday, October 5, 2009

A Poem From Mommy

So, I've had a few people ask if I had written the last poem I put on here, well, I didn't, but it got me thinking and made me want to write one. I've never written one before, but this one just seemed to come to me. So, here it is:

Our little baby Hope,
Oh how we miss you.
I'm learning how to cope,
But how I long to hold you.

You had your mommy's toes,
But you had your daddy's too.
Now only God knows
what is best for you.

I love you more than ever,
I love your sister too.
Just can't figure out whether,
I'm okay without you.

I loved your little kicks,
Always knew you were there.
Though sometimes it makes me sick,
when I remember you there.

I always feel your presence,
I know you're watching over me.
Just can't wait to be there since,
Heaven's forever where you'll be.

I love and miss you both more than words can explain.


  1. Your poem is beautiful, Ruthie, and so are you. Love and prayers, Mom.

  2. You are such a strong woman! I do admire you! I lost a baby when i was 20 weeks pregnant i had to terminate due to the baby's brain being out of his skull! That was 2 years ago and now i am 3 months pregnant and scared out of my mind i take 4mg of folic acid a day. I hope everything will be ok but what i went through and what you went through is such a difference and i dont think i could do it again like you did! You are awesome and you will get your baby girl one day just wait and see girl! My name is amanda gonzalez and my email is if you ever need some one to chat with! good luck!

  3. I've just read through your blog... thank you so much for sharing your journey. I am 27 weeks pregnant with our little girl, Whitney, who has Triploidy. Its a fatal condition and is a miracle she has made it this far into my pregnancy. Right now, I'm just grasping at straws, trying to enjoy the time we have left with her. Thanks again for sharing your journey.

  4. You don't know me but I have followed your blog from the beginning and am praying for you.


Maternity Photos By Lindsey Tomlinson